We Miss You, JR!

We Miss You, JR!
To view the videos - it will be helpful to scroll down and hit PAUSE to the music located at the bottom of the page!

Memorial Service Photos

Blessed Hope

Here is the message written by JR's dad. He read at the Memorial service and some didn't get to hear it:

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18; reads “Be joyful always, pray continually, give thanks in ALL circumstances for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus”

“This day is the most painful and difficult day in our lives because of the death of our son JR, our only son. I cannot understand and cannot comprehend why. I have so many questions that no one knows the answer, only God knows. But who am I to question God and His will. Who am I? He giveth life, and he taketh. I have no control of this tragic and unexpected event.

I felt the pain of our God, the Father when His only Son died on the cross for our sins. Death is the result of sin. When we were born we inherited this sin from our ancestors (Adam and Eve). The Father can send angels to save His dying Son, but because this is His will, His Son died for our sin. Even though it’s hard for Him, He did not intervene to save His son from dying.

In similar passion, we prayed to God, the Father to intervene and asked to save my son JR, my only son from dying. He can send angels and make a miracle to save my son, but instead, he took our son’s last breath and died. I believe that this is God’s will. I cannot do anything; it’s very very hard to accept the fact that JR my son has gone to sleep. The separation is so hard to bear, but I still praise and thank God for loaning and giving JR to us. It’s short 9 ½ years, but those years were the happiest moments of our life. JR is the apple of our eyes, the candle light that shine in our life and now he is gone. But, we have this hope, Our Blessed Hope that when Jesus, our Savior return in second coming, the angels who supposed to save my some JR from dying, now; those angels will return our son to us completely whole, without sickness, pain and suffering, no more tears and will be with us forever and ever.

Let me tell you something about my son JR. He always has a smile on his face. He never says anything bad. He obeys and respects me. He is my best friend and loves to be with me. He wants to be a millionaire so he can help the needy. He wants to be a pastor and preach Jesus around the world. He wants to be an author and write books. He loves to learn and asks so many questions. He always offers to help. He loves reading his Bible.

We always do things together and we have this father and son bond that you cannot believe. We prayed every night together. We prayed to God that his asthma and skin eczema will be healed and be completely gone, to have sweet dream and to protect him with Holy angels and wake up in the morning so that we can praise God. He loves Jesus. I cannot remember any night that he did not kiss me before he goes to bed. Monday night July 14 was the last one; he passed away Tuesday July 15, 2008. Our home will never be the same without him.

My son loves sports like bowling, basketball, putt-putt (mini-golf); swimming. He can do a split (he’s very flexible). He likes movies such Avatar, Spongebob Squarepants; Transformers and Scooby-Doo.

My son JR taught us a lesson, not only us his parents but also everyone that he met. The lesson is: To show Love and Respect to both young and old. He showed love and respect to anybody he encountered. He was so open to them. He touched so many lives and hugs anybody with compassion and authentic love.

Now my advice to you all parents is NEVER stop saying “ I Love You” to your children. I always reminded JR that I love him. I always told him: JR, I love you and you are my best friend. He knows that even until the last moment of his life. He passed out on my arms and keep telling him the word I Love You every second. I missed him so much. JR, my son, my only son. Until we meet again. I am praying that it will be really really soon".

Ruel Lipat

JR's Life Slide Show

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Dear Mr. and Mrs. Lipat,
Let me begin by expressing my sadness for your loss. I want you to know that you and your family have been in my thoughts and prayers since I learned of the passing of JR.
I feel honored that you have asked me to be a part of such an important memory. It has taken me a little time to begin to think about what I wanted to say.
As I reflect back on the year JR was in kindergarten I think aobut his friendship with Andrew Snelgrove. They really were kindergarten friends, very different but very close. JR was a very sweet five year old wanting to be friends with everybody. He had the biggest smile and seemed to wear it every day.
He was dedicated to his learning and wanted to be a successful learner. He tried to do his best and showed in his work. As you had stated he wanted a talent well I think he had one and did not realize it, we did... He had the special talent to make people smile and feel good. When I look at the picture on your letter that is how I remember JR. I loved to watch him as he looked at you with that bright smile and beautiful eyes.
Again let me say thank you for including me in your lives and know that I will keep you in my prayers. The loss of a loved one is very difficult but I want you to know that God is with you an one day we will be together in his presence.
Joyous kindergartener
Often caught looking over his glasses at you
Helping hand to everyone in kindergarten
Under God's presence
Always a Friend
God Bless.
Mrs. Candy Walsh


Joshua Ruel was my sweet, cute, little nephew.
His sweetness will remain in my heart.
JR your cute little face is like a mountain crystal a radiant gem on my necklace
Your soft and gentle voice always asking for explanantions will remain music to my ears.
Your dark almond shaped eyes will remind me of the pureness of your soul.
Yes JR the times we spent together will always be cherished in my heart.
The memories you hold my hand while we walked on the beach together will be a sweet memories to remember
The ways you made me laugh by telling funny stories or just by putting expressions on your cute little face.
The question you keep asking "Are we there yet?" while we were driving on a long highway will be like little bells ringing into my ears.
Oh JR all the things we have had will be remember.
All of these JR and the very whole of you, I will miss
The total you my beloved nephew I will love and keep your place in my heart
It is not goodbye, but it is goodnight my sweet loved loved JR...
By: Tante Rexcy

To JR Lipat

JR, I only got to spend 3 years with you, but I just wanted to say Thank You! You showed me something that I have negleted all my life.
Matthew 18 verse 3 say's it best. "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of Heaven"
JR you didn't know, but the way you showed love, compassion, and caring was a blessing for me, and everyone you came in contact with. I remember you always huged and kissed me everytime i came to visit, you don't know how much that meant to me.
You were only nine years old, but you had a heart that was bigger than most adults. Now because of your big heart. I am understanding more, and more what God's heart is like.
There's an old saying God doesn't make mistake's and that there's a reason for everything, well it's true. Meeting you changed me forever! I am a stranger Christian, my faith in God has reached new heights, I'm telling strangers about God, I am going on missionary trips, and I owe it to you, JR Lipat.

JR, I love you, I miss you, Thank you again!
I will see you in Heaven my friends! Love Josh

To my friend J.R.

I recall the first time I saw you at church, with a big smile on your faces and such a warmth inside of you tha only Jesus could give. I will never forget that you always had a big hug for Ms. Jean, because you knew I liked hugs.
also you were so respectful to people of all ages, and that really impressed me. I will never forget our valentine banquet when I had the honor of sitting at the table with you and your lovely family, and you me quickly, "Ms. Jean I will be your date." You were alwaysthinking of others.
I am so sorry you were sick and this brought an early death to you, but we will put this in the hands of God and trust him. I miss you my little one.

Jean Hodges


This is how I met JR. It was in Church one Sabbath Day, He came to shake my hand and to say, "Happy Sabbath" I looked at him dressed in a neat suite, and his smile on his face. I said, "What's your name" and he answered, "JR". I was taken away a little s mine intials are 'JR'. I became to know him better, as he came to my house several times with his dad who would do some repair jobs for me. When he invited me for his Birthday Party. I told him, "I will take you to shop for a present" Unfortunately he had to wait for sometime, but he never ever complained or asked me "when do I get my present". Finally I was able to take him and he knew exactly what he wanted, we had to shop around. He was very happy and on the way home, he kept on talking aobut his present. He also told me sometime later, he liked O'Charley's Restaurant ( I wasn not familiar with this restaurant) and maybe he said, I could take him there someday. I d and let me tell you JR loved the rolls more than anything else. Because of his sweet attitufe, his love for Jesus and his family, and wanting to share his love for Jesus and because we have the same intials, JR got a place in my heart. He will always be remembered and I too hope to see him again and spend eternity with him.

So long my buddy I love you JR,
Joke Rogue

A Tribute to JR

We remember when we were invited to the Lipat's home for dinner after church on Sabbath, and there to greet us upon arrival was J.R.
Something caught my eye immediately, that still sticks to my mind, and that was how friendly and hospitable this young man was. Even though just as a youth, J.R. know how to make you feel welcome, and was not one who was short on conversation. I also noticed while his sister's were in another part of the house, J.R. never strayed far from us.

My wife recalls,that same day, that J.R. asked her to help him blow up some balloons, and they had a good time, on the floor playing catch.
She aslo recals how moved she was when she was asked by J.R. if he could call her Aunt Dot.
She says, J.R. made her feel young again.

I believe God allowed us to have J.R. for reason, to show us what true love is like. Children are not like adults, in that they have an innocence i them that doesn't allow them to take on our predudices, the reason for his early departure, but we have this hope the on Ressurrection Day, we will see him again. I comment Ruel and Luz, also the girls for raising up J.R. in the way I believe was very pleasing to God. The Bible says be their fruit, you shall know them. Your fruit, J.R. was truly God sent. God bless the Lipat Family, and we thank you all for allowing us to know such a wonderful young man
Charles and Dorothy Williams

Love Letter to JR

Dear JR.
What a remarkable person you were. In Children's Church, I grew to know and learned to love your sweet spirit. You were well behaved, gentle, loving and kind.
Never realizing the burden you were carrying, I assumed you were shy and quiet. I could see you had a wisdom beyond your young years. There were times, when I felt you look beyone me and would see directly into my heart. Quietly watching and listening to every word spoken.
What a joy you were to be around. You knew and love Jesus, it showed in your words, actions and kindness to others. I thank God for allowing you to come into my life, you were just a treasure.
Your suffering taught you compassion, understanding, and faith. How much Jesus must have loved you to give you such an important short life here. You touched the lives of everyone who knew you, including mine. Thank you.
I will look for you in Heaven, so we can sing 'Climb Sunshine Mountain' one more time.

Your teacher and friend,

Ms. Karen x0x0x00
Love you

Dear JR

Dear JR I wanted to tell you how much you mean to me, how much I have cried and laughed during you 9 1/2 years of life. You are so many things.

We moved into Garden Pond, next door to your parents and sisters in Aprill 1998. I knew no one in SC. Your mom became my first and greatest friend in SC. The following month I found out I was pregnant. I said to your mom " You should have a baby, too, so we can be pregnant together!" She said she was too old! The following month she came over to tell me she was pregnant! She was excited. Even more so when she found out that she was having a boy-You! Danielle was born on Jan. 14. Three weeks later on Feb.8th, you were born. You were so little and handsome!


When you were 6 weeks old, your mom asked if I could keep you and Eunice a few days a week. I accepted. At first you cried a lot! I would hold you and sing to you or just hug you and tell you it will be alright. You were very young when you developed the skin, asthma and allergies. You would scratch your your skin so raw that it would ooze. I would pray for you every night. Your mom, dad, and Ivy did what they could to make you comfortable-baths,lotions,breathing treatments. I remember your dad telling me he was taking a a week off work to a doctor to help you. He askin for our prayers for you. You still managed to be a smiling little boy when you were physically hurting.
We watch you and Danielle crawl, walk, and talk. It warmed my heart when you learned to say " I Love you, Ms. Debbie."
Luz told me that you started including me in your prayers at bedtime.
You taught my family some tagalog. Cockroach is an ipis, mother is eni, Danielle still uses ipis when she sees one.
You were always creative. One time you and Danielle cut each others hair. After both of you getting in trouble, I took a picture of you two sporting your new haircuts with huge grins.
When we built a workshop in our backyard, Ruel helped. Of course you were right there indently watching. During the construction, you would ask Dan several times, " Mr. Dan is that for my and Danielle to live in?" You two were best pals.
When you started 4 year old kindergarten, you said how much you missed Danielle and you wish she could go with you. Danielle finally went to the morning class, while you were in the afternoon class. Sometimes your mom would bring you over while Danielle was in school to just to visit with me. One day you asked me, "Will you be my other mother?"
The Lipat and Dreher celebrated many birthdays, holidays, and other occasions throughout the years at each others homes, Chuck E. Cheese and the bowling alley. We spent many of your birthdays at Chuck E. Cheese. Your family introduced my family to pizza with pineapple and onions. You loved to play the games there!
You liked to draw! One time you came over to the house with a poster board as big as you. You and Danielle drew and colored on it all day and gave it to Mr. Dan. You were always thinking of others's feelings! We still have that poster board some 5 years later. I always had your art work on the refrigerator next to Danielle's.
I remember one time after your mom came back from the Philippine; she brought back a traditional Philipina Dress Shirt for your dad and you! Your dad was so proud how you looked in your matching shirts he had to bring you over for us to see.
In May 2005, I found out that I was pregnant again. When I found out it was a boy, you would pat my tummy and ask, "A boy like me, Ms. Debbie?" I would answer, "Yes, JR, I hope just like you!" I would tell your mom I prayed he would be handsome and sweet like you!
JR, you were always at your dad's side. Dan showed Ruel how to lay wood flooring. You were there taking note and asking to help!
IN 2005, your dad had to find another job. We prayed that he would find something in the area. He eventually found something in Charleston. He would drive an hour each way. Then your parents told us they were moving to Summerville. Danielle cried for days. She said that her 1st best friend of her life is moving away. The day after you moved, she headed right out the door saying, " I am going to JR's." The door opened immediately. "That's right! The do not live there anymore." I jokingly told you that I was keeping you to live with me. I could not imagine my life without you and your family!
Eunice, I have always called her that, called me about 3:30 on July 16,2008. She said, "Ms. Debbie, I have somthing to tell you. JR is gone!" I did not understand. She told me of the asthma attack and the hospital trip. I havenever cried so much in my life. We drove to Summerville to with you parents that night! I have continued to cry for many reasons; your parent's loss, your family's loss, your church, when I look at pictures of you and your precious smile, and trying to this letter to you!
1 John 11:4, it tells us: " Sickness well not end in death! No, it it for God's glory so that God's Son may be glorified.." I know our awesome God has his plans. They may not be what we have envisioned or though! I know one day that we will be reunited with you in heaven. Your parents and sisters will be able to hold you and kiss you again! Until then, JR, we have our precious memories of you to fill our sorrowful hearts!
We love you and will miss you very much!
Deborah Dreher and Family

Dear Luz, Ruel and Family

My heart is very heavy as I write this note to you. I cannot imagine what you are going through, and I am so sorry for that. I can tell you this, he was one of the sweetest little boysand so well mannered. It was a joy to be around him. He was also a cheerful giver. He loved having an offering to give to the church. He was always helpful to me in the primary class. He would love getting chairs for the children and passing out the lessons as the children came into hte room. When he was introduced to someone, he would always extend his hand for a hand shake. You all did a good job raising him. He loved his family, and he always had a prayer request. He always looked forward to spending time especially with his dad, and he wanted to be just like him. I feel he made an impression on our hearts, and out lives are so much richer having known him, and I look forward to seeing him one day. This should be of some comfort knowing that you will him one day too. Please stay close to the Lord, and give thanks to the Lord for choosing you as parents for a such sweet boy. He would not want you all to be sad that he's gone, but he wouldn't want to be forgotten either, and I know that won't happen because I will never forget him. I want to think about the time that we had him with us, and how it makes me want to be a better person because I don want to see him again. We have a wonderful father and he gives his children good gifts and JR was a gift, and thank you for sharing him with us.
Please take care of yourselves, and stay close to each other and the Lord. We will continue to pray for you, an you will be in our thoughts. We love each and everyone of you.

June and Larry Gibbs

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Lipat

I just wanted to let you know again how sorry I am about JR's passing. To lose any child would be unbearable, but a child as young and loving as J.R. is especially hard. He was a very special boy and will be missed by many people. I pray often that your family will find peace and happiness again J.R. would certainly want that. I have enclosed a poem that I wrote about J.R. for your book. Hold on to the good memories and know that J.R. is now in a better place. God Bless you and your family during his time of healing.

It's hard to explain how a child so young
Could spread so much joy and so much love.
JR lived only for nine short years
But touched the lives of all he came near.
He had such a good soul and such a kind heart,
You could tell he was special right from the start.
He reached out to others and showed them he cared.
He reached out to others and showed them he cared
He hasd a love for life that he wanted to share.
God's purpose for him was to spread the joy on Earth,
And he has done that well since the day of his birth.
Now his Earthly life has come to an ending,
But his life in Heaven is only beginning.
It was in God's plan, He needed him-
Although J.R. was not quite ten.
He was chosen to spread God's love
With eternal life in Heaven above.

Kelly Powell
J.R.'s Second Grade Teacher


For us JR was like our younger brother, we like playing games with him. We laugh, share, joke to each other and watch avatar and spongebob together. I remember he call Kuya, Ronnie Boy, and it always make us laugh. He's very energetic and fun to hang out with. JR like to offer help to everyone. He never did anything bad to us. He has a very sweet voice and a beautiful eyes. Everytime he visit us here, the first thing he's going to do is hug us. JR is very polite and humbel. He's more than a cousin to us. And we really, really love him.

Ron and Rizhia


JR was a great influence on me and everyone else that knew him. Even though I didn't know him that long, he was still a great friend. There wasn't anything bad I would say about him. Everytime I would come over to their house, he would be the only one to make me laugh, and also everytime I would leave he would give me a hug and sometimes a goodbye kiss on the hand. You would never get annoyed by him. To me, he was the kind of person you could be around for ever. Even if you didn't know him or he didn't know you, he would still make you feel welcome. I wish I could've got to know him better. He had a lot of goals that he wanted to accompish, he wanted to be sucessful. He would do such nice things for people. He gets along with everyone and there wasn't a time I've seen him mad. I just want him to know that he will always be in my heart. FOREVER!

Essence Johnson

Tribute to JR 2008

God did not promise sunshine without rain nor life without pain. I believe that death is one of the most difficult things for us to face in our lives.

We are so blessed to know that we will meet our loved ones again. We have not only faith in God, the Bible but the opportunity to live our lives for HIM so we can all be reunited with our loved ones again. What a beautiful promise!

JR was the sweetest child. He was so full of love for everyone. You could see it on his face. He had a smile for everyone-all of the time. He not only had a love for people he also loved animals. He was fortunate to have some puppies to romp and play with but also some birds so he could listen to their lovely singing.

One Sabbath I had the family over for dinner after church. After we had finished our meal, JR noticed a bowl of apples sitting on a table. He asked if he could have one, then two, then three. That little fellow was full from dinner; I don't know where he found room for 3 apples, but he did. That just shows the love he had for them.

A few weeks after his passing, his Mother and I met for breakfast. We chose Perkins. We had met there several times over the past 2 years for breakfast together. After we finished eating we sat out in my SUV and talked for a long time about JR. One of the things she shared with me I shall never forget. A new ambulance station had opened closed to their home. When JR saw the building project was complete and the men and women were manning the station, he told his Mother they had to buy donuts and bring them to the station. And, of course, his Mother complied with his wishes. That is just one way JR showed his love for others.

That little boy will be terribly missed at church. None of us well ever forget the smiling, bubbly, helpful little boy. We thank God that one day soon we will see him again and spend eternity with him and his family. What a beautiful promise!

May God Bless each of you. God promises weeping endureth for a night but joy cometh in the morning, Hang on dear ones to His promises.

Ellen and Ira Evans

Friday, October 24, 2008

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

My Tribute to Joshua Ruel Lipat

Hi. My name is Richard Guillot. I am 53 years old. I was born in New Orleans Louisiana on February 18th, 1955 to two wonderful people Siegfried and Rae Ann who are still alive to this day. I have celebrated a very rich, rewarding life because of all the wonderful people and families I have had the pleasure of knowing during the time that, so far, has been granted me on earth. All have been different, but one thing is for certain, some are perfectly exceptional.

It has been my experience that God does in fact work in wondrous ways, especially when we are perhaps in low periods of our lives. Every now and then, he leads us off our volcanic barefooted tread way to a path of comfort we find by some very special families and individuals that remind us by their example, to renew our faith. One such family that has been brought to that task in my life is my dear friends, the Lipat family. They are from the Philippines and are very special to me because of the love they share and demonstrate not only for themselves, but also for everyone. So much in fact, it makes me want to leave the U.S. and move there. One very special family members name is Joshua Ruel. I say is, because he is still with me by the BIG kind innocent spirit he has left behind for me. I only “physically” lost my friend Josh, July the 15th, 2008, but his spirit remains and is rich within me to this day. Josh is special to me, as I knew he would be from the first moment I met him. Kindness radiated from my young friend like sunshine. He even liked my dog, which is saying a lot because not too many people like my dog!

I like to call him Joshua because I like his name, but everyone else refers to him as JR. I do not know the total number of people Josh met and remembered during the short nine years of him inhabiting this earth, but I am very glad to have known him and will always remember him as my young friend. Why his friendship was taken away from me so suddenly will remain a mystery until I rejoin him one day and I can ask. Whatever the reason was, his big kind spirit has been left behind for all who knew him. Sometimes I think that Josh had to leave because God knew that he was too kind to be in this cruel world we all inhabit. Some things are just too beautiful for this world. He is definitely in a better place now, and I know that when it is my time to go that my young friend will be there on the other side to greet me so maybe he and I will be able to sit down and laugh for a while together. Only the good expire young. If only I were so blessed to celebrate the same reward. If only I were so good to have been spared from, and, never seen some of the things I have laid witness to in this world. All of our lives, we strive to graduate to higher levels, always reaching for the next degree of achievement and notoriety. Josh went for it all at once. He skipped all the middlemen and went straight for the top. I may imagine that he may even be saying, “Well, it was a nice place to visit, but I am glad that I don’t have to live there for the next 70 years!” I will see him again one day, he will know me when I do and I am sure we will pick up where we left off.

To my heavenly friend Josh and his beautiful earthly family.

With Respect, Love and Admiration,
Rich Guillot

Friday, September 5, 2008

Sunday, August 24, 2008

To My Son

Dear JR,

First of all, I want to THANK God that he gave me you.
You're beautiful in words and deeds - that's why your're
special to me. Though it was just a a short time, I enjoyed
every bit of that precious moment when you we're together.
The way we hold our hands,your kisses and hugs are filled
with love...YOU WILL BE MISSED!

Loving you so much,


Sunday, August 3, 2008

The Sisters' Tribute

I'm having a such a hard time getting this letter done 'cus I can't think straight now that you're gone, "God,please help me out,show me a way"
That I may find the right words to say!

Dear JR,
I want you to know that I LOVE YOU so
And that I want you back so bad
That I don't know if I can ever let go
You see, you were the only one who could make me smile when I'm sad
The first person who was there when I needed a hug
And the one who checks to see if my curling iron's unplugged

I'm going to miss the fun times we had together
For nothing in this world can ever replace
The nights we stayed up late making jokes and laughing at each other
And the mornings when you wake,you'd give me a kiss on my face

I will never forget how happy I was the day you were born
For you were the miracle that we've been praying for,for so long
But now I just break down & cry when I see your toys & the clothes that you've worn
And I ask God, why did this have to happen? Did I do something wrong?
But inside I hear God whisper, 'Don't lose faith,daughter
I'm here to keep you strong'

But oh how I wish I could still hold your hand & take you to your favorite store,
Go to the beach & watch you play with the sand
I want to hear you call my name again & knock on my door
And play your silly little games on our living room floor

Things will never be the same now that you're gone
But this was God's will,for he could not no longer bare it,seeing you suffer
Although I want to give up, I know you'd want me to hold on
Do good,and have faith & wait just a little while longer
I trust God that one I'll see you again
But until then God, please help my broken heart mend



Dear JR,

You are a:



Awesome and a
Trustworthy brother!!!

I love you so much!! I miss all the great times we had. When we meet again there will no more suffering for you. We will be happy and healthy for eternity!! I will be strong because I know that’s what you would want. I don’t know what my life would have been without you. Now nothing will ever be the same. You mean the world to me! Your the one who always wanted me to become successful on violin. JR you will be missed Again I love you!!

All my love,

Rachel Lipat

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Childrens Tribute

The kids did a great job singing their song - The New 23rd Psalm.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

It really was a celebration of JR's life - a tribute to a wonderful boy who touched SOOO many in just 9 years! The church was completely packed - with standing room only & chairs put all the way into the foyer of our church! The family had such heartfelt tributes to their brother & son! The music was fitting - the Praise team sang songs JR loved to sing... the children's choir sang and also praised GOD! The guitar duet was one of my favorite tributes and the Candle lighting Ceremony allowed for anyone to open their heart and share what JR meant to them! Many of JR's friends stood up and shared their love for their friend! Tears were shed and hearts ached... but we do have this blessed hope that soon and very soon - WE ARE GOING TO SEE THE KING! Rest in Peace, JR... You are so very LOVED!

Here is the Poem written by Rose Hyland. She wrote this just after she heard of JR's death. She read it today at the Memorial service and some didn't get to hear it:


I never knew a boy so sweet, so tender and so pure -
Maturity beyond his years, his words made my heart stir.
His hugs were worth a million, filled with authentic love -
His gaze was penetrating, as if straight from above.
His kindness nearly mathless, a rare and precious trait -
So few grown-ups attain this, but JR could not wait
to show the love of Jesus to the neighbor next to him,
and offer great refreshment in a world so hard and grim.

How strange that this description would fit one but a child -
JR was called and chosen young, then taken from this world.
In God's great grace, this child was spared from trials that lie in wait -
More precious in the sight of God, the death of this young saint.
The world was not so worthy, but blessed just for this time
with such a heaven - sent one, to touch your life and mine.

I never knew a family quite righteous as JR's -
Thus Satan would destroy them and shred their loving hearts.
But God reigns over Satan; He will cover and protect
and in His time will answer them and comfort them with rest.
This mystery of darkness and injustice has it's end -
Christ's soon but long adorned return will end the pain of sin.

So I ask you LORD to cover them and show with all Your might
your healing love and promises to take them through this night.
Now send the hosts of heaven to help this family see
the dawing Sun of healing, the other side of tragedy.
I pray You'll speed this dark time and safely bring them through
to the glorious resurrection, to live with JR and YOU.

-Rose Hyland

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Your Presence...

Your presence at the funeral in the company of other friends and neighbors contributes to a fellowship of support extended to the family and relatives. By being here you have communicated that you care. This gesture is of immeasurable value, and speaks significantly of the impact of the life we commemorate.